18 February 2011

Be Well Rounded

Welcome to the Neighborhood News

 A few conferences ago somebody mentioned the following tale. I can’t remember who it was, but I’d like to tell it again here:
"An old woman had two pots suspended at the end of a branch that she carried on her shoulders. One pot was unmarred, the other was cracked.

"Every day she’d walk to the river to get water; on the way over, the perfect pot would arrive full, but the cracked one was half empty. This happened again and again for many days, always the same result.

"After a couple of years of dwelling on its defect, the cracked pot decided to speak to the woman:

‘Dear lady, I am ashamed of myself. I can see you struggle on your way to the river, but on the way home my crack makes you lose half of the water I’m suppose to carry.

"The woman smiled and asked the pot:

‘Did you ever notice the beautiful flowers on your side of the path when we return home? I always knew you were cracked so I planted flower seeds on your side of the road. Every day we headed home, you were watering the seeds.

'Because of you, I have been able to pick beautiful flowers for my table for the last two years. Without you, I wouldn’t have such beauties at home.'”
None of us is perfect, none of us has it all figured out. Some of us are broken, in need of mending. However, in the words of Kevin Gardner, the great equalizer in this life is the gospel of Jesus Christ. It frees us, it gives us hope, and it buoys us up.

We may think that we’re of little worth, imperfect, cracked. But there’s someone who’s given all that He had to buy our freedom. We should follow Him and become healed.

In the end, it’s not how much water we were able to carry that matters, but the fact that we did it the best way we knew how.
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To view a copy of the Neighborhood News for Friday, 18 February, please click here.

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