07 April 2010

Personal Touch

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"...families are established and maintained on principles of faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work, and wholesome recreational activities." Sound familiar? These principles do not go away when a marriage ends in divorce. In this week's Personal Touch, Rebecca Cressman discusses the continuation of the family after divorce with marriage mediators, Guy Galli and David Pruden. Galli and Pruden co-authored When Forever Doesn't Happen, an encouraging look at how everyone in the family should still work together to help the kids feel like they are still a part of a family...a loving mother and father regardless of whether mom and day stay married. With the frequency of divorce, this is an issue we all need to take time to learn more about to help loved ones who may face this situation.

 To list or not to list, what are we to do? Whether you are a ‘list’ person or not, you’ll realize, after reading Marie Ricks’ post, that making lists makes total sense. In her article “It's Never Too Early for a List,” Marie shows us, picture by picture, how to make a list, and what subjects are important to add to the list. She teaches us to “Stop, Evaluate, and Plan." I think we should be more dutiful about organizing our lives, and lists are an important part of that process.

We get a few gardening tips from the Alabama Cooperative Extension System. They’re insightful and thorough in their report on how to garden in the spring. About our time of the year, they say: “As for Vegetable Gardening, it is time to plant those seeds and transplants once the threat of a late season frost has passed, this is usually mid April but can vary from year to year.”

Aren’t we all ready for spring, and nice fragrances coming from outside? In this article written by Susan Zevon for the Deseret News entitled “Transforming your Home for Spring“, she says: “Today, few households boast a full set of summer slipcovers, but there are easy and inexpensive ways to refresh your home for spring.” She grew up with a mom that would update, change and redecorate every spring.

To view a copy of Wednesday, 7 April's Neighborhood News, click here.

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