08 September 2010

Being a Good Dad

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Don’t you sometimes wish you could just run away and go spend some time with a loved one? Jennifer Ricks mentions that she enjoys hiking with her husband. She shares this thought: “In response to the comforting balm inherent to nature, sometimes my husband and I talked quietly about ideas and things that came to mind.” In one of those occasions, she noticed two men that were acting very much opposite of each other. Jennifer blogs at ‘Pray, Teach, Learn, Grow,’ and her article is called “The Local iPod Father.”

Mo’Boy talks about what it feels like to go to Priesthood session and share a spiritual moment with other men. Mark Hansen blogs at Mo’Boy and wrote his article “Fatherhood: What Is It to Be a Man”? He says: “One of the speakers tonight talked about the nature of the priesthood and about how the covenant of the priesthood was basically one of service. It got me to thinking about what it means to be a man in today's world.” It’s nice to have a priesthood holder talk about his blessings this way.

After that egg recall a few days ago, I started thinking that maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad idea to have our own chickens. Then I found this article at ‘Eternally Happy,’ and decided to show all of you the blogger’s idea. Julie contributed “Nesting Boxes and Eggs!,” and I thought that if you have enough room in your backyard, or enthusiasm and initiative, maybe you’d want to replicate these boxes. They were made with recycled materials, and the pictures show a simple and easy way to build them. Good luck!

To view a copy of the Neighborhood News for Wednesday, 8 September, please click here.

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