25 February 2011


Welcome to the Neighborhood News
What’s a life saver?
Def: life•sav•er rescuer: a provider or source of greatly needed help

If we get sick, we have need of something that will make us feel better. If we have the blues, we need something to help us get back to normal.

There’s always something that will be a life saver for us. It could be something as ordinary as a comfort food (macaroni and cheese, anyone?), or a habit (reading scriptures maybe).

In 1986 Janene Wolsey Baadsgaard wrote Bread and Milk. In her article, she’s talking about her first time having a fast, and the experience of eating bread afterwards. In her own words:

"It was a simple meal, an ordinary meal, a meal that I had had every Sunday night for as long as I could remember. But it tasted different that night. I distinctly remember the yeasty smell of the bread and the way the cool milk felt inside my mouth. I’ve never had a meal quite like it since.

That meal started to teach me about the bread and milk of living. It started to teach me about the richness of ordinary things. I found that really enjoying life could be as simple as being able to savor an ordinary meal."

What are some things that you consider lifesavers? Please send us a comment.

Don’t forget to take advantage of our Free Download Friday.

To view a copy of the Neighborhood News for Friday, 25 February, please click here.

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