26 May 2010

Supporting Service

Welcome to the Neighborhood News

We start out our newsletter with our friend Marion Stewart’s article. Marion blogs at “Marion’s Melodies”, and in her article “Be for a Comfort to Thy Husband”, she talks about the way she felt when her husband was called to be a bishop, how she felt alone often, since the kids were all gone to college. She also tells us how she found a way to deal with her situation and be of help to her husband in the process. You’ll notice that Marion has a great sense of humor when you read her top 10 list.

Our next article is on the flip side of the coin. Laura Wall, from the Church News, reports about the wife serving in a high profile calling, in her article “How to Support Your Wife as she Serves as an Auxiliary Leader.” She gives a few tips to the husbands, so they can better serve their wives make it through the years that sometimes takes to fulfill some of these responsibilities.

Our last article comes from Elder Boyd K. Packer, in his conference talk from November 1997, entitled “Called to Serve.” He puts everything into perspective by simply letting us know that “It is not in the proper spirit for us to decide where we will serve or where we will not. We serve where we are called.”

To view a copy of the Neighborhood News for Wednesday, 26 May’s, please click here.

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