28 May 2008

Blogger ∙ Rebecca Talley - Missionary

Let me introduce you to Rebecca Talley, our blogger for the yourLDSNeighborhood Missionary Block. Rebecca is an amazing woman and writer with a son serving a mission right now. She is from the area of the country where my mother grew up and her sister is married to my cousin. All this and I've only known her a couple of years. How bizarre is that?

I am thrilled Rebecca agreed to take on blogging for the Missionary Block. She has a unique perspective that I enjoy very much.

Rebecca was born and raised in Santa Barbara, California. She spent countless hours swimming in the ocean, collecting shells, and building sandcastles. She graduated from BYU with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communications. She now lives in rural Colorado with her husband, 8 of her 10 kids, goats, and a llama named Tina. Her stories have been published in children's magazines, including The Friend. She is the author of the children's picture book Grasshopper Pie (WindRiver 2003) and the LDS novel Heaven Scent (Cedar Fort 2008). She loves chocolate, ice cream, and dancing to disco music while she cleans the house.

Here's an interview with Rebecca to help you get to know her better:

1. What brought you to the Blogging World and what is your favorite thing about blogging?

I started blogging about a year ago when I was offered a contract to publish my novel, "Heaven Scent." I like the immediacy of blogging and the opportunity to connect with readers through the comments. I also enjoy the less-formal environment.

2. What intrigues you the most about blogging for yourLDSneighborhood?

I'm intriqued with the idea of connecting with more people who share my beliefs and learning from them. It's exciting to think about connecting with someone who lives in another part of the world.

3. What is your favorite thing about yourLDSneighborhood?

I love how everything is organized, it's so intuitive. I also love the graphics. I'm looking forward to seeing it grow.

4. Tell us a little about yourself: What your likes, dislikes, hobbies, hopes, dreams, etc . . .

I love to swim in the ocean, ride horses, and spend time with my family. I love ice cream, chocolate, and licorice. I still listen to disco music while I clean the house and iron. I enjoy knitting and home redecorating.

I hate weeds, mice, and snakes. I despise ironing, though I do it every week. I don't enjoy extreme weather or the wrinkles creeping across my face.

I love to watch my kids play and share their talents. My greatest dream is to be with my family forever.

5. Tell us something unique about yourself.

I have a serious addiction to newborn babies. I love how they smell, the squeaks they make, and how they snuggle up to my neck.

6. What has been your greatest challenge to date?

Realizing I'm getting older and won't be able to have newborn babies forever.

7. What books/projects/songs are you working on right now?

I'm working on an LDS romance novel and my ongoing project is raising my kids. I'm also writing magazine stories and articles for children.

8. What obstacles have you run into?

Time. There never seems to be enough time to do all that I need and want to do.

9. What advice do you have all the browsers in Blogland?

Find subjects that you're passionate about and make connections with others who share your passion.

10. If you had three minutes to give advice to someone headed into danger, what would it be?

Stop. Think about what you're doing and the consequences of your choice. Think about other options--there are always options. Pray about your choice.

I"m so happy to welcome Rebecca to our Neighborhood Bloggers. She's doing a fantastic job. You can check out her blogs on Missionary work and Missionaries every Monday and Thursday in the Newsstand on the Missionary Block of the Neighborhood.

Return to the Neighborhood!

26 May 2008

Blogger ∙ Keith Fisher - LDS Outlet/Dutch Oven

We ran into a little bit of a quandary on what our bloggers should cover in the Newsstands of the LDS Outlet and LDS Department Store blocks. The answer came to me in a blinding flash of the obvious. I checked around Blogland for people who covered things interesting to LDS People and found C.L., Keith, Barbara and Linda.

Keith Fisher is the brave lone man in a slew of women bloggers for yourLDSNeighborhood. He brings his incredible Dutch Oven Cooking skill to the block to give you tips, tricks and advice on how to make the best of your Dutch Oven.

Keith Fisher is a writer of fiction. His hobbies include Dutch Oven Cooking, Gardening, camping, and fishing. he has competed for years in outdoor cooking competions with his wife and they won the IDOS World Championship cook off in 2005. Keith loves to share tips, and advice that will help you be the champion cook in your campsite or backyard.

Keith answered a few questions for us, the same questions every other Neighborhood Blogger has been asked. It's sure been interesting to see the variety of answers:

1. What brought you to the Blogging World and what is your favorite thing about blogging?

A couple of years ago, I was asked to join the LDS Writer’s Blogck as one of the weekly writers. I discovered a showcase that helped me improve my talents and get noticed.

2. What intrigues you the most about blogging for yourLDSneighborhood?

I love to write and I love outdoor cooking and camping. I can mix two of my favorite things

3. What is your favorite thing about yourLDSneighborhood?

It is a trusted resource of timely and appropriate information for LDS parents and families.

4. Tell us a little about yourself: What your likes, dislikes, hobbies, hopes, dreams, etc . . .

I hope to be a published author of books that can change lives, and write full time. I like spending time in the mountains with my family. I dislike mean spirited and selfish people. My hobbies seem to center around the outdoors.

5. Tell us something unique about yourself.

My wife and I won the 2005 IDOS World Championship Dutch Oven Cookoff. We made Guard of Honor Pork Roast, Braided Butter Bingo Bread, and Orange Coconut Almond Cake

This is Candace. Keith made a wonderful Dutch Oven Dinner for our writers critique group that I hear blew everyone away. I missed it . . . yeah, I'm sad. Oh well, I live in hope he'll be willing to go through all the work again and I'll get to taste this food everyone has been raving about.

6. What has been your greatest challenge to date?

Getting out of bed is the greatest challenge I face every day.

7. What books/projects/songs are you working on right now?

All of them—seriously though, I am working on twelve novels at the same time. Three mysteries, one fan-fiction, one historical, and the rest are contemporary. One book is in the hands of a publisher, two are in editing Two more are in re-write. The rest are in various stages of development. When I get stuck or tired on one I work on another for awhile.

8. What obstacles have you run into?

The biggest obstacle is keeping characters and events separate when I move from one book to another.

9. What advice do you have all the browsers in Blogland?

Don’t assume everything you read is true. Glean what you can and move on.

10. If you had three minutes to give advice to someone headed into danger, what would it be?

Keep your head up and your mouth shut. Pray about it and wait for the answer.

Keith is a valuable asset to yourLDSNeighborhood. We are so excited to have him on board. I, for one, have broken out my Dutch Oven and wait every week for his tips and advice. Check him out on Mondays and Thursdays on the LDS Outlet Block.

Return to the Neighborhood!

24 May 2008

The yourLDSNeighborhood Newsletter

Four times a week the yourLDSNeighborhood Newsletter pops into my inbox. I love it, what can I say. I love browsing through the Newsletter to find articles I want to read, products I want to check out and inspiring people I'd like to hear from. Every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday this little gem shows up in my inbox. Here are some of the great things you can find in the Newsletter:
  • Featured Artist: Every newsletter features an author, a musician, an actor, an artist . . . any one whose work is worth highlighting.
  • Personal Touch: In every Saturday newsletter Rebecca Cressman posts a new topical and enlightening audio interview with an exemplary individual who stands up for the right principles. Our goal is to celebrate people from diverse careers throughout the world who inspire because of their work, drive, and lifestyles.
  • There are inspiring and information articles written by a variety of journalists ranging across the world.
In addition to being able to shop in the new virtual neighborhood, the newsletter brings you articles, products, services, and interviews from around the world—all with an LDS focus. Look for issues delivered to your email inbox every week on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday.

Subscriptions are FREE, and joining is easy

Just by signing up and maintaining your subscription to receive the yourLDSneighborhood.com newsletter, you become eligible for their "Thank You" prizes.

yourLDSNeighborhood's dozens of giveaways range from:
  • A trip for two to China: where, you and a friend will be on your way to visit one of the world's most exciting and historic cities. Located close to famous sites such as the Great Wall, the Forbidden City and Tiananmen Square, you will be immersed in Chinese culture and enjoy the breathtaking panoramas that China has to offer. Beijing offers something for every type of traveler. Value: $4,000. Winner will be selected on July 24, 2008
  • Either: 7 Night Cruise for two to Pacific Coast of Mexico with white, sandy beaches and warm, blue waters are waiting for you in Mexico. Feel your stress melt away on this 7-night cruise for two. Enjoy the lively Mexican culture, unique foods and history on this amazing adventure.
  • Or: 7 Night Cruise for two to the Caribbean where you will be whisked away to the gorgeous, turquoise waters of the Caribbean on this 7-night cruise for two. With limitless activities during the day and cool, relaxing nights you'll wish the vacation didn't have to end. Value: $1,800. Winners will be selected on December 24, 2007 & June 24, 2008
  • An iPod® where you can relax by listening to inspiring music on the most popular and user-friendly music player on the market with this silver iPod® nano and a $50 gift certificate for LDS music. Retail Value: $249.99 each. Winners will be selected on September 24, 2007, December 24, 2007, March 24, 2008, and June 24, 2008
  • CDs: Fill your home with harmonizing chords. Our weekly featured artist inspires our CD giveaway selections. Retail Value: $20. Winners will be selected on the 24th of each month beginning July 24, 2007 and ending June 24, 2008

Learn more about yourLDSNeighborhood's amazing monthly, quarterly, and annual giveaways by clicking here.

Check it out my friends. I think you'll be happy you signed up for this newsletter, I know I am.

22 May 2008

Blogger ∙ Kim Thompson - Scrapbooking

Today we're going to get to know Kim Thompson, Scrapbook Extraordinaire! Kim and I are in the same writers critique group, so I happen to know she's a brilliant writer as well as having a delightful personality. Kim blogs for our Scrapbook Block of yourLDSNeighborhood and I she has lots of delightful tips, suggestions and giveaways.

Kim Thompson is an aspiring LDS fiction writer and currently has two works in progress, does editing for others, and maintains her own personal writing/scrapbooking blog, Scribbled Scraps. She was born and raised in Utah and currently resides in Lindon with her husband and six children.

She graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Business Management and Accounting. She owns and manages an online scrapbooking company, Kim’s ScrapShack, which has been in business since 2004. She has a vast working knowledge of the scrapbooking industry as well as online retailing.

Kim enjoys reading, writing, scrapbooking, cooking, playing with her children, and loves learning new things.

Let's check in with her on a few other things:

1. What brought you to the Blogging World and what is your favorite thing about blogging?

I started blogging to keep in contact with all of my writing friends and to learn more and practice the craft of writing. My favorite thing about blogging has been all the new frieds I've made and meeting all sorts of interesting people. It always amazes me to see someone new on my blog.

2. What intrigues you the most about blogging for yourLDSneighborhood?

I was excited when I heard about the blogging opportunity with yourLDSneighborhood. I hope it will give me writing experience, as well as give my writing more exposure. Scrapbooking is my other great love, so when I found out I could blog about it, I was even more thrilled.

3. What is your favorite thing about yourLDSneighborhood?

I love getting the newsletter in my email. There are tons of uplifting websites out there, but without a reminder, I don't take the time to look at them. It never fails, when I get the email, something sparks my interest and I have to check it out. I also love that absolutely everything on the website is family friendly.

4. Tell us a little about yourself: What your likes, dislikes, hobbies, hopes, dreams, etc . . .

I was born and raised in Utah. I currently live in Lindon, with my husband and six children. I got married when I was seventeen, which has brought unique challenges, all of which have helped me learn and grow. I have a Bachelor's degree in Business and Accounting. I previously worked as a currency day trader and I currently own and manage an online scrapbooking business. I love to read, write, scrapbook, cook, and hang out with my kids. I love to learn new things and would like to go back to school someday and get a Master's degree. I think sometimes people think I'm snotty and aloof, but I'm actually just shy. There are very few things I dislike, but I hate public speaking, laundry, and dishes--in that order. I enjoy writing and hope to someday (hopefully soon) have a book published.

5. Tell us something unique about yourself.

I've always caught onto things quickly. If there's something I really want to learn about or do, I persevere until I master it.

6. What has been your greatest challenge to date?

One of the hardest experiences of my life was when I had a premature baby. Because she was born early, her lungs weren't developed. I had her at a small community hospital which didn't have facilities to care for her, so she had to be transferred to a larger hospital with a newborn intensive care unit. My husband went with her and I was left alone to spend the most solitary night of my life. I still wasn't sure she was going to be okay. For all I knew, when I reached in the incubator and held her tiny hand, it could be the last time I would see her alive. It all turned out okay. She's now an active four-year old and brings immense light to my life. I'm so glad to have her in it.

7. What books/projects/songs are you working on right now?

I'm currently working on a contemporary LDS romance novel. It is a story about the journey of two valiant spirits, separated by mortality, who made a promise to find each other. As the veil of the Earth is placed over their eyes, they both go through many struggles, all the while feeling like there is something more—something barely out of reach that will make them happy.

In spite of hardships, they find each other and realize the experiences they’ve suffered were necessary for them to be ready for each other and greater happiness than they’ve ever known. “I’ll Know You by Heart” is a timeless romance. It explores the possibility that relationships can span the entire realm of eternity—from beginning to end. It is a story about abuse, hardship, betrayal, and ultimately the power of everlasting, true love.

8. What obstacles have you run into?

So far, the main obstacle I have is a lack of time. I run a busiess from home, work out of the home on graveyard shift, homeschool, and do all the other things moms do to keep a household running, so I don't have as much time as I would like for writing.

9. What advice do you have all the browsers in Blogland?

Back away from the computer and go hug your kids, spouse, mother (anyone really) . . . but then hurry back to read my blog!

10. If you had three minutes to give advice to someone headed into danger, what would it be?

You are better than you think you are. You have amazing talents and abilities that you may not even be aware of and can overcome any obstacle the Lord sees fit to allow you to pass through.

She's amazing, isn't she? Drop by the Neighborhood and check out Scrapbook Block and drop by the Newsstand on that block every Monday and Thursday to read Kim's latest blog.

Return to the Neighborhood!

20 May 2008

Blogger ∙ C.L. Beck - LDS Outlets/Humor

Today I am delighted to introduce you to one of our quirkier, or should I say brilliantly funny, bloggers. C.L. Beck, otherwise known as Cindy, is blogging on our LDS Outlet block newsstand. She is one of two bloggers for that block and will be writing about her perspective on life with a humorous twist!

C.L. enjoys tickling funny bones and making people laugh. However, to be honest, she has also written serious, heart-warming stories for the Cup of Comfort anthologies and the Ensign. She lives in central Utah with her husband, Russ, and their short-legged dog, Corky Porky Pie, who thinks the world adores him.

1. What brought you to the Blogging World and what is your favorite thing about blogging?

I arrived at the Blogging World quite by accident. I was trying to find SeaWorld, but I've never been very good with maps. Apparently the Internet is nowhere near Orlando, FL.

I love blogging because it gives me the chance to write whatever comes to mind. Alas, that's also what encourages me to write answers like the one I gave to "What brought you to the Blogging World?" Plus, blogging gives me a perfectly acceptable excuse for staring at my computer screen for hours on end, while eating Cheese Doodles and humming aimless tunes. "Sorry, Sweetie," I'll say to my husband as I wipe Doodle dust off my fingers. "I can't possibly fix supper right now ... I'm blogging."

2. What intrigues you the most about blogging for yourLDSneighborhood?

First of all, it seems like such a nice neighborhood. So much nicer than my own--no kids throwing rotten tomatoes at my dog, or leaving a sharpened hack saw blade at my front door as a present. Or as a warning. I'm not sure which it was supposed to be.

Second, I can use words like, "Oh my heck" in a blog, and all the visitors will completely understand what that means. Not to mention the fact that if I were to blog about baptisms for the dead, no one would wonder if I was talking about putting sprinklers in the cemetery.

3. What is your favorite thing about yourLDSneighborhood?

Oh, you mean outside of the fact that no one has left a sharpened hack saw blade as a present?

Okay, I suppose I'll be serious for just one second. I love the bright colors and the way the home page is set up like a neighborhood. The images and graphics are very inviting. I feel like I've stepped into an LDS Mayberry. All it lacks is Aunt Bee, Opie and a cold glass of lemonade, sitting by a rocker on the front porch.

I think it's great to go to a site that's geared toward Latter-Day Saints, where you don't have to worry about content that you might find insulting or offensive. I love the fact that I can read blogs and not have to worry about what wording they'll contain. Oh my heck, yes!

The stores contain items I'd be interested in buying; the blogs are writings I'd be interested in reading.

I think that pretty well sums it up, don't you? So, okay then, back to the Cheese Doodles.

4. Tell us a little about yourself: What your likes, dislikes, hobbies, hopes, dreams, etc . . .

Likes: Cheese Doodles, donuts, chocolate cake.

Dislikes: Liver, and Brussels sprouts.

Hobbies: Readin', writin' and NOT 'rithmetic.

Hopes: The only Hopes I know are Bob Hope and the Hope diamond. One has passed away and the other is beyond my budget.

Dreams: Last night, I had the strangest dream. I sailed away to China, in a little row boat to find ya, and ya said you had to get your laundry cleaned....No wait, that wasn't a dream, that was a song that was playing just before I went to bed.

Etc: I don't know Etc., but if you hum a few bars of it, I'd probably remember.

5. Tell us something unique about yourself.

Aw, drat, I'm getting tired of typing. Let's just skip this one.

6. What has been your greatest challenge to date?

Coming up with the answer to question number five, above, which is why I skipped it.

Wait. Did you mean my biggest challenge in life? That would be how to get the Cheese Doodle bag open without dumping cheesy puffs in my lap.

7. What books/projects/songs are you working on right now?

As far as books go, I'm working on a book of LDS Humor with my friend and co-author, Nichole Giles, who will also be blogging for Your LDS Neighborhood.com. The book has been requested by Covenant. Honest, I'm not making this up. It's for real.

As for projects, I'm trying to figure out why my dryer keeps overheating. There's nothing like charred and blackened socks to give you a clue that something is amiss with the dryer.

As for songs, I'm working on an opus. Or maybe it's a jingle. I've never been clear on the difference between the two. At any rate, I have the music written. It has eighth, quarter and half notes. Once in a while, for variety, I've thrown in a full note.

The lyrics are simple, so that it appeals to the common man. They go, "Dee, dee, dee. Dee, dee, dee."

8. What obstacles have you run into?

Whether "dee" is spelled with one "e" or two.

9. What advice do you have for all the browsers in Blogland?

Advice, huh? It's my considered opinion that you have to bookmark the places you really like ... for example, C.L. Beck's blog at yourLDSNeighborhood ... or you get totally lost in Blog World and end up at SeaWorld instead.

10. If you had three minutes to give advice to someone headed into danger, what would it be?

Unplug the dryer before trying to figure out why the socks are burned.

As always, C.L., thanks for dropping by. Your skewed outlook on life sure tickled my funny bone this morning. Remember, C.L. will be blogging on the LDS Outlet block, twice a week, every Monday and Thursday. You'll definitely want to drop in and check out what she's up to.Thanks for dropping by the Neighborhood.

18 May 2008

Blogger ∙ Liz Adair - Service

Today I'd like to introduce you to the wonderful woman blogging on our Service Block of yourLDSNeighborhood.

Liz Adair, was born in southern New Mexico to working class parents. “They were extraordinary people,” she remembers. “Mama was Auntie Mame and Dad was steady and quiet. I had a wonderfully adventurous, yet very secure childhood.”

Liz graduated from Fredonia (Arizona) High in 1958. She spent two years at BYU before transferring to Arizona State College (now NAU) where she graduated with a B.S. in Education.

Liz married Derrill Adair in 1963, and they had four children of their own and adopted three more. Liz became a reading specialist and taught school for several years, but decided she needed to stay home to be a full-time wife and mother. She calls that her ‘Mother Earth’ decade, when they lived in an old farmhouse and milked cows, had chickens and pigs, put up hay, and raised a huge garden.

Then came the ‘Business Mogul’ decade, when Liz established a specialty wholesale bakery next to the farmhouse in a little building that Derrill built into a commercial kitchen. “Both of those experiences let me teach my children to work,” she says. “I don’t pine for a lost career.”

The ‘Literary Decade’ began in 1989 and is still going on. Books by Liz Adair include the Spider Latham Mystery Series, consisting of The Lodger, After Goliath and Snakewater Affair, as well as Mist of Quarry Harbor, all published by Deseret Book. Liz is also the co-editor (with her daughters Terry Gifford and Ruth Lavine) of Lucy Shook's Letters from Afghanistan. Her newest work, Counting the Cost, a novel based on family history, comes out this fall and is published by Inglestone Publishing.

Liz and husband Derrill live in Sedro Woolley, Washington, in close proximity to eleven of their sixteen grandchildren. She and Derrill have a consulting company doing project construction management for healthcare organizations. Liz teaches early morning seminary in the Sedro Woolley Ward.

1. What brought you to the Blogging World and what is your favorite thing about blogging?

Marsha Ward, author and blogger extraordinaire, invited me to participate on a team blog for our writer’s group, American Night Writers Association (ANWA). I was very timid, because it was an unknown, but a year later, I participate in four blogs: the ANWA blog, a blog that my brother and I use to post and identify old family photos for posterity, a blog where I team with Cecily Markland to write about using family history in fiction, and the blog, SezLiz, I keep for yourLDSneighborhood and news about my writing.

What is my favorite thing about blogging? It’s finding a comment. I’m always so surprised; it’s like getting an unexpected present. Someone was listening. Somebody heard.

2. What intrigues you the most about blogging for yourLDSneighborhood?

The thing that intrigues me is the possibility of reaching a wider audience, maybe someone who likes the way I write or who understands what I’m trying to say.

3. What is your favorite thing about yourLDSneighborhood?

This is just a surface answer, because the time I could spend wandering, I’m glued to the computer writing my blog. But, I like the way they’re reaching out, offering things to a broad range of interests. However, soon I intend to venture out and explore.

4. Tell us a little about yourself: What your likes, dislikes, hobbies, hopes, dreams, etc . . .

Well, of course, I love to write. I love to cook, hate to clean. Love my job—I work in construction management. I love the baritone horn and hope someday to be able to play longer than half an hour without losing my lip.

5. Tell us something unique about yourself.

Do you know, I’m such an old shoe, I don’t think there’s anything unique about me. I’m a gray-haired grandma, but I drive a red Miata. Does that qualify? How about this: my favorite food is beans. Frijoles. Love ‘em. My husband says I’m a real cheap date.

6. What has been your greatest challenge to date?

I think it was being mother to seven. I never liked children much before I married, and I intended to wait a looooong time before having a select few. Needless to say, I had my first child two months before my first wedding anniversary, and my second fourteen months later. We adopted three ‘unadoptable’ (what were we thinking?) children before having two cabooses as we were pushing middle age. Poor planning, all the way around. Which leads me to think that living with my own consequences is my biggest challenge.

7. What books/projects/songs are you working on right now?

I have a new book coming out this September. It’s to be published by a small press in Phoenix, Inglestone Publishing, and Cecily Markland is my editor. The title is Counting the Cost, and it’s set in the Great Depression. It’s about a New Mexican cowboy who falls in love with a socialite from back east. It’s based on family history, and anyone who likes Spider Latham will like the hero of this book, Heck Benham.

8. What obstacles have you run into?

In writing? Only my own lack of discipline. Or, the fact that I love my day job almost as much as I love writing, and it pays better.

9. What advice do you have all the browsers in Blogland?

Stick around!

10. If you had three minutes to give advice to someone headed into danger, what would it be?

It probably wouldn’t be me giving that advice. I get brain cramp when I have to speak under pressure. I frown. I grimace. My face gets red. Finally some cryptic words escape which are entirely logical to me, but which any danger-pointed person would have trouble understanding, so they are likely to meet their doom puzzling over what that gray-haired lady was babbling about.

Thanks for dropping by the Neighborhood, Liz. We're looking forward to all the great things about service you'll be blogging about.

16 May 2008

Blogger ∙ Anne Bradshaw - Books

Anne Bradshaw is our blogger for the Books Block of yourLDSneighborhood. As an author, books hold a near and dear place to my heart, so I absolutely love Anne's section of the Neighborhood. You can find Anne's book reviews in the Newsstand on the Books Block.

Anne Bradshaw, born in Caernarvon, Wales, grew up in England. She is the author of three published novels Terracotta Summer, its sequel, Chamomile Winter, and Please, No Zits! & Other Short Stories for LDS Youth. A feature screenplay she co-authored with Jeanne McKinney (The Ardanea Pendant), recently won first place (fantasy/sci-fi genre) in the International Family Film Festival - Hollywood, CA. Anne also co-authored another feature screenplay, Season of Fire, and two non-fiction books, Writing Secrets, and Publishing Secrets. In addition, she has written countless magazine and internet articles.

Anne took a little time to answer a few questions for us so that you could get to know her better.

1. What brought you to the Blogging World and what is your favorite thing about blogging?

Tristi Pinkston got me started. She recommended blogging as a good marketing tool for my newly published book, Please, No Zits! & Other Short Stories for LDS Youth. I was hooked after a couple of weeks.

I love the way I can do what I want with my blog, and share with others some of the many things that interest me. I like to think that if something helps me, then it will also help others.

2. What intrigues you the most about blogging for yourLDSneighborhood?

Apart from the fact that I really like the people who work for LDSneighborhood, I have to be honest and admit that extra exposure for my writing is always a bonus. I'm particularly intrigued to discover how many extra visitors my blog gets when an article appears.

3. What is your favorite thing about yourLDSneighborhood?

I like the diverse subjects covered in the online magazine, and love peeking in all the little stores on the website and seeing what's new.

4. Tell us a little about yourself: What your likes, dislikes, hobbies, hopes, dreams, etc . . .

I was born and raised in England, married there, and reared our four children there. I'm one of three children, and have lived in more homes in England and Wales than I can remember. Life has never been boring. We now have friends all over the world.

I love to read, write, draw, take photographs, listen to soothing music, watch good movies, do genealogy, and grow herbs and vegetables. There's nothing quite like green beans cooked straight from the garden, and served with fresh mint leaves.

My hopes and dreams involve our children and grandchildren. It would be wonderful if they could all some day live in the same State. I would also love to see the screenplays I'm currently co-authoring being made into blockbuster movies, for the promotion of strong principles and spiritual power as opposed to witchcraft.

5. Tell us something unique about yourself.

I suppose the most unique thing about me is that I'm a transplant from England, living in Utah, and fulfilling my writing dreams.

6. What has been your greatest challenge to date?

Moving from England to America, and leaving behind extended family; so many good friends; AND quick access to the sea.

7. What books/projects/songs are you working on right now?

I'm currently co-authoring the sequel to the award-winning fantasy screenplay, The Ardanea Pendant (set in Dublin, Ireland). I'm also waiting to hear from a publisher regarding my YA Sci-Fi mystery, and about to begin writing a sequel to that.

8. What obstacles have you run into?

There are always obstacles to whatever good thing we want to achieve in life. Mine include arthritis; and many house moves, which disturb the creative flow, and cause disruptions of monster proportions. In addition, authors of books and screenplays are at the bottom of the heap when it comes to financial recognition. This must be the lowest paid job in the universe--as in zero wage most of the time.

Then there are publishers and producers who send polite rejections letters, book stores with too little shelf space, and time-consuming marketing, which detracts from writing time.

9. What advice do you have all the browsers in Blogland?

I would suggest they click on whatever Feed link a blogger has that will advise when a new post is ready on their favorite blog.

Also, set up a Toolbar if using Mozilla Firefox, which allows readers to drag their favorite blogs onto it, and makes them available all the time. Joining Google Reader also helps keep track of favorite pages.

Stick with blogs you know are safe, and determine never to stray into questionable areas.

10. If you had three minutes to give advice to someone headed into danger, what would it be?

If by accident you arrive at a site you didn't intend to visit, my advice would be to immediately click the site off, then come out of any running programs, and switch off the hard drive. When restarting the computer, do an immediate virus scan before recommencing work.

Anne, thanks for dropping by and sharing your thoughts with us. Everyone, please be sure to drop by the Books Block of the Neighborhood and read up on Anne's Reading Recommendations.

14 May 2008

Man of Honor: Gordon B. Hinckley

yourLDSneighborhood, in conjunction with several talented LDS musicians, is promoting this wonderful collection of music honoring President Gordon B. Hinckley, the 15th called prophet in these modern times.

19 songs in all from your favorite LDS musicians Janice Kapp Perry, Jessie Clark Funk, Sam Payne, Jenny Phillips, April Meservy and many more make up this musical tribute to President Hinckley.

All proceeds from the making of the CD will be donated to the Perpetual Education Fund – an inspired program introduced by President Hinckley that continues to bless many lives every day.

Purchase Now by clicking on this link!

From The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints website we read:
Elder John K. Carmack said that in six years the church's Perpetual Education Fund has made loans to 27,000 LDS students in 39 countries.

"The biggest problem is to have the machinery in place to be in contact with 27,000 people," he said. "That's about the size of BYU."

The fund is named and patterned after — and already has nearly outgrown — the Perpetual Emigration Fund, which helped 30,000 poor converts migrate from Europe to Utah in the 1850s and '60s. ...

The Perpetual Education Fund was created in 2001 to help church members ages 18-30 in select countries obtain education or skills training they otherwise couldn't afford and thereby get jobs that would help them "rise out of poverty and gain self-reliance," Carmack said.

The goal, he added, was to "raise up a generation of leaders with the time, energy and resources to build the church. They would marry, raise families and support them and in time, their tithing and resources would make these areas of the church self-sufficient." (Tad Walch, Deseret Morning News, Tuesday, April 3, 2007 11:12 a.m. MDT)

Certainly, a worthy cause. We invite you to purchase this CD - Man of Honor: Gordon B. Hinckley, enrich the spirit in your home with this beautiful music while helping someone else to get that education they so richly deserve.

12 May 2008

Blogger: Cheri J. Crane ∙ New Neighbors Blogger

Okay, things are rolling now. The articles for our bloggers are showing up in the newsstands on the different blocks of yourLDSneighborhood.

I thought it would be fun to introduce you to a new blogger each blog until we get you introduced to all of them. For each block of the neighborhood, two of which have had major changes done to them, we have hired a blogger. So let's begin with the first block on the left.

New Neighbors morphed from the Travel Block and is undergoing an overhaul. It's a great place to drop by and visit the vendors as well as our blogger, Cheri Crane.

Cheri J. Crane has spent most of her life in Idaho where she loves the majestic beauty of nearby mountains, lakes, rivers, and huckleberry patches. (If you ask politely, sometimes she will actually reveal the general location of her favorite huckleberry patch) She has been married to Kennon D. Crane for 26 years (the lucky guy) and they are the proud parents of three sons: Kristopher, Derek and Devin. Kennon and Cheri are now empty-nesters with a grandchild on the horizon, compliments of Derek and his wife, Kristen.

Cheri is an LDS author---nine of her books have been published. These include the "Kate" series (Kate's Turn, Kate's Return, Forever Kate, yada yada Kate) as well as a humorous novel about a feisty Type 1 diabetic, [Incidentally, Cheri is a Type 1 diabetic. She is also known to be feisty. This is a falsehood.] The Fine Print, which is no longer in print and has become a bit of a collector's item according to a neighbor down the street who had a difficult time finding a copy, and her two latest novels: The Long Road Home and Moment of Truth. She is hoping number ten will be released sometime before the millennium descends.

1. What brought you to the Blogging World and what is your favorite thing about blogging?

I've enjoyed reading other people's blogs. Several of my friends and family members have blogs---it's a great way to communicate. My brother runs my website---we were always going to add a poetry segment. Then we caught on that it would be easier to do this via the blogging world. My brother attached my blog to my website and it's great because I can add a personal touch of my own whenever I want.

2. What intrigues you the most about blogging for yourLDSneighborhood?

A chance to touch a few hearts out there and make people smile, perhaps even laugh.

3. What is your favorite thing about yourLDSneighborhood?

It contains a lot of neat information and cool stuff. Trust me. ;)

4. Tell us a little about yourself: What your likes, dislikes, hobbies, hopes, dreams, etc . . .

I enjoy gardening, cooking, writing, hanging out with family and friends, and playing the guitar. I love working with the youth and I'm currently in round # 2 of serving in the Young Women in our ward. I dislike liver. I hope to be a wonderful grandmother (my first grandchild will be born in October---YAY!!!) One of my dreams is to travel around the world.

5. Tell us something unique about yourself.

I once milked dairy goats on our family acreage years ago.

6. What has been your greatest challenge to date?

Type 1 diabetes, suicide death of my father 24 years ago and the recent suicide death of my brother-in-law.

7. What books/projects/songs are you working on right now?

I recently submitted a manuscript to Covenant Communications. I'm calling this novel "Cry Uncle." It's a mystery that touches on the danger of sharing too much personal information on internet social networks like Myspace and Facebook. I'm currently working on another mystery I'm calling, "Blackout." This one involves a young woman who is suffering from amnesia.

8. What obstacles have you run into?

Well, let's see, there was the time I tripped and smashed into my china cabinet, effectively knocking myself rather loopy, then there was the time I glanced over my shoulder and walked into a huge ceramic vase in Las Vegas, effectively entertaining my children. We won't talk about the time I ran into a motorcycle parked right behind me, minutes after promising the driver that I could squeeze around his "bike" just fine. ;) There are many more items like this, but I think you get the drift.

Cheri will be blogging on Travel, Tradition and Culture. Drop by the New Neighbors block and check everything out, including Cheri's articles at the Newsstand.

01 May 2008

Fantastic New Feature of yourLDSneighborhood

Hi! My name is Candace E. Salima and I'm excited to be a new member of the yourLDSneighborhood team. I have been hired to manage a new feature of the Neighborhood. Bloggers! We'll have 13 different people blogging on a variety of subjects. You'll love dropping by to visit.

Let me tell you a little about myself first. I was born into a military family, descended of a long line of authors, musicians, artists, ranchers, farmers, doctors and more. With this very rich heritage I decided early in life that I could not waste this time I was given to develop my talents and make my ancestors proud. The author of Forged in the Refiner's Fire, 13 and 0: Reflections of Champions, Out of the Shadows . . . Into the Light, as well as two health booklets, I have long loved to read and write.

The daughter of a father who survived the invasion of Hitler's war machine in his homeland and a mother who is an often controversial conservative columnist, I spent my childhood on the back of a horse or trudging through the mountains and valleys of the American west. Born in California, I lived in Nebraska, Montana, Utah, Colorado and New Mexico . . . all before I was 12-years-old. As an adult I lived in Idaho, Wyoming, Arizona, and another short stint in California before making my home in Utah.

I met my sweetheart at Brigham Young University in 1983. Ten years later I appeared on the Phil Donahue Show in defense of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which aired in 52 countries and precipitated a reunion with my sweetheart. In 1995, Alvin and I were married in the Bountiful Temple and settled in Utah Valley. Unable to have children, we shower our love and attention on our nieces and nephews.

In the course of my life, I have been a reporter, a writer of health booklets, a screenwriter, and a teacher. My philosophy in life is simple . . . everything can be turned into a good story. Hence my nine day rafting trip down the Colorado River, hiking the Colorado Rockies, or horseback riding in the northern Wyoming Grand Teton mountains. A love of BYU football, basketball, swimming, movies, plays, concerts and socializing with family and friends round out my life. All this, and I still prefers to be curled up on my couch with a good book, a cup of hot chocolate and a blustery Winnie-the-Pooh day brewing outside.

That's me in a nutshell. Now on to the fun stuff!

Over the course of the next few days I will be introducing you to our bloggers. I will interview each one and post those interviews here. You will be able to access their articles via the newsstands on each block of yourLDSneighborhood. As you click on each block, you will notice the newsstand toward the bottom of the screen. This is where you will be able to read up on what's going on in the Neighborhood on a variety of subjects, such as:
  • Art
  • Books
  • Clothing
  • Home & Family
  • Jewelry
  • LDS Department Store
  • Missionary
  • Movies
  • Music
  • Scrapbooking
  • Services
  • Travel
  • Wedding
The topics covered will mirror the blocks, so you will be enlightened, entertained and informed on a variety of subjects and the happenings around the Neighborhood. It's a great place for shopping, browsing, networking and learning.

I invite you to drop back by often. I also encourage you to subscribe to the yourLDSneighborhood newsletter. Four times a week you will receive a wonderful newsletter, filled with information, articles and introductions to all things of good report and praiseworthy, in your inbox.

So come on home to the Neighborhood! We've been waiting.