28 June 2010

Personal Touch

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Addiction (def): compulsive need for and use of a habit-forming substance (as heroin, nicotine, or alcohol) characterized by tolerance and by well-defined physiological symptoms upon withdrawal; broadly persistent compulsive use of a substance known by the user to be harmful.
Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary copyright © 2009 by Merriam-Webster, incorporated

Today, in our Personal Touch with Rebecca Cressman segment, she interviews Tom Foster. Tom Foster is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker who has been in private practice since 1983. He is a graduate of the University of Utah's Master of Social Work Program and has a drug and alcohol treatment certification form from the same institution. Mr. Foster is on the board of directors of the Utah Chapter of the National Association on Mental Illness, the Salt Lake City Mayor's Coalition, and the Utah Support Advocates for Recovery Awareness (USARA). He is on the advisory board of the Callister Foundation and works as a consultant for the Foundation developing a website, Hopetoday.com, that provides timely information about the disease of addiction. There are six videos on the site that provide information about various aspects of addition and treatment. The Foundation also has an Information Line (801- 366-HOPE or 866-633-HOPE toll free) where individuals can call for information.

Our first article was contributed by Russ Beck. Russ is not only a licensed, professional counselor with a Master's degree from the University of Wyoming, he’s also a therapist, administrator and family counselor. He blogs at “On the Couch by Russ Beck.” The title to his article is “Avoiding Addiction Triggers”, and he presents his point well and then goes on to explain that we know about temptation, maybe we even toy with it. But do we go and ask someone (a loved one, or someone who’s qualified) to help us? Do we take the step of asking for help? We not only need to know what triggers our addictions, but also where to go get help. That is, if we want to get better.

Next, we have an article from MormonWomen.org. I really liked this page when I read it: the author showed guts, and the strength of her convictions. May we all be strong enough to stand up and say “I will conquer my addiction.” Janelle tells us that she knew what she wanted “What I really wanted was to sleep because my baby had already nursed and was sleeping soundly in a bassinet next to me.” She also reasoned with herself “Surely it wouldn’t be too bad to use a medication prescribed by my doctor to help me get some much needed rest.” Do we realize were our weaknesses are and move on to a safer place, or allow ourselves to fall prey to our own desires?

President James E. Faust has said: “Each one of us has been given the power to change his or her life. As part of the Lord’s great plan of happiness, we have individual agency to make decisions. We can decide to do better and to be better. In some ways all of us need to change. ...

“Another kind of change I wish to address is recovery from enslaving habits. They include disorders associated with alcohol, drugs, tobacco, eating, gambling, unworthy sexual behavior, and viewing pornography.” (The Power to Change, Liahona, Nov. 2007)

The Church has put together a web page, to help all of those that are “in the gall of bitterness.” It is the “Addiction Recovery Program” and this is our last entry on today’s newsletter.

We hope that what we presented to you today was what you, or someone you know needs. It’s been said ‘nobody’s perfect.’ However, even though perfection is not achievable in this life, we can, and should look to live a ‘good’ life and enjoy what the good Lord has given us.

May you have a good week, and hope to hear from you.

To view a copy of the Neighborhood News for Monday, 28 June's, please click here.

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